Healing Arts
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
In TCM, every person's health depends on a balance between the opposing forces of Yin and Yang. As long as Yin and Yang remain in balance, the body and mind are healthy. However, if one of the forces is excessively strong or too weak, it leads to imbalance and illness. The interaction of Yin and Yang, cold and warm, passive and active creates a type of life energy known as Qi (pronounced: tschii). Qi flows along clearly recognizable pathways, the meridians or channels, and connects the regions and parts of the body with each other. Just like Yin and Yang, Qi must also be in harmony: as long as sufficient quantities of Qi can flow freely throughout the body, a person is physically and mentally healthy. Dis-eases are caused by disturbed Qi flows. That's why the main goal of the treatment is always to balance Yin and Yang and to ensure free circulation of Qi.
Acupuncture is based on the idea that twelve paired meridians run through the body, through which people are supplied with the life energy “Qi”. There are acupuncture points on these meridians. Each meridian is assigned an organ functional circle. Acupuncture is intended to normalize the flow of energy stored in the organs. Moxa and cupping can be used as part of acupuncture. Areas of application: Headaches and migraines, joint wear and spinal diseases, general pain disorders, vegetative disorders, respiratory and digestive dysfunctions, nicotine withdrawal.
Often called moxa for short, from Japanese mo-gu-sa, Chinese in zhen-jiu = needle moxa.
A pain-relieving effect is achieved by placing heated herbs on specific pain points. Today, moxibustion is often used with mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris, Chinese: ai-ye=mugwort leaf) in the form of cigars, small cones or attachments for acupuncture needles for the traditional warming effect.
According to Western ideas, local heat supply stimulates increased regional blood circulation and metabolic activity. A systemic effect is achieved via the reflex zones and stimulation of the immune system. Areas of application: The warming, yang-strengthening and moisture-dispelling effect primarily treats cold, wind and moisture-related illnesses.
A distinction is made between bloodless or dry cupping and bloody cupping. The former is a tonifying therapy and the latter is a relieving therapy, both of which influence the organ systems via the bloodstream.
In the bloodless cupping process, one or more cupping glasses are placed on the skin using negative pressure. Most of the time the reflex zones are used. The cutivisceral reflex arches can be used to influence internal organs.
During bloody cupping, the skin is also scratched several times with a small lancet or puncture, before the cupping glasses are placed, which leads to a direct drainage of blood.
Areas of application: Underfunction of individual organs and organ systems, hyperacidity, removal of toxins and toxins, hypertension, hypotonia, migraines, muscle tension, back pain, sciatica.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha can relieve a wide range of complaints. It not only serves as a massage for headaches, but can also help to treat poor circulation. Translated, “gua” means scraping, the term “sha” refers to reddening of the skin.
The traditional Chinese massage is called “tuina” or “anmo”. Since the Ming Dynasty, Tui-Na (Tui means “push”, “push”, Na “grab, take, pick up”) has been the generic term for a form of therapy that derives from An-Mo (An means “push”, Mo “circling swipe”).
An-Mo is to be understood as a massage in the general sense. It essentially involves working on the active musculoskeletal system (muscles and connective tissue), whereas Tui-Na expands the spectrum to include mobilizing and repositioning manipulations and also applies to the skeleton, tendons and joints.
The aim is to free blocked energy pathways and restore the Ying and Yang balance. It uses the same basic rules of acupuncture; pressure with the fingers replaces the acupuncture needle. Areas of application: Pain and disorders in the active and passive musculoskeletal system.
Yin Yoga & Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a technique that involves applying gentle pressure on to the myofascial connective tissue restrictions, knots in the body, in order to reduce or eliminate pain and restore motion. We combine the pressure of therapy balls/blocks/straps/rolls with Yin Yoga poses to help balance the flow of energy, Qi.
“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Aromatherapy - Essential Oils
While smoking converts material matter into subtle scented smoke, when using essential oils we are in the subtle realm from the start. The essence of the plant power is extracted through distillation and brought to us via pure scent. Essential oils improve the room energy, they can calm or energize, dive deep into our mental life and sometimes also actively support our body.
Sunday Natural Products
As a scientific cooperation partner at Sunday Natural, I am pleased to be able to advise you here.
We stand for highly pure nutrients, vital substances, superfoods, teas and aromatic oils with the highest quality standards. You will receive a welcome discount of 10% on your first order upon request upon your first registration/consultation.
Smoking incense
Freeing yourself from negative energies by smoking incense.
Lavender, sweet grass, cinnamon, cedar wood, sage, rose petals - these are just a few of the fragrant medicinal plants that can be smoked individually or in mixtures. In contrast to scented oils, in which only the scent essence of the essential oils is distributed throughout the room via the heat of a candle, smoking actually burns the herb or medicinal plant. The smoke produced is said to have a cleansing and healing effect.
As the smoke spreads to every corner of a room, it is intended to absorb and dissolve all residue, old information and bad energies in the room. At the same time, it distributes positive energies with the scent and power of the medicinal herbs.
CERES Urtinctures
Plants are the basis of human life. They not only serve to directly sustain his life, but are also a source of joy and strength for him. Medicinal plants in particular have a great potential hidden in their powers that give people recovery and vitality in sick and healthy days. These powers can be used to very different extents. The decisive factor is the way in which a medicinal plant is processed into a medicine.
Mother tinctures - these are fresh plant preparations - with a high internal quality are the ideal means of conveying the essence and personality of a medicinal plant. Mother tinctures can be used not only on a physical level, but also on a mental level. By studying the nature, the therapist or patient is able to establish an inner relationship with the plant, allowing its healing powers to unfold to a great extent.
Kambo - Sacred Frog Medicine
"According to a host of sources, Kambo is one of the strongest natural ways to fortify the immune system, and one of nature’s most powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibiotic and anaesthetic substances on the planet.
It’s becoming more and more well known and used in the West for these remarkable healing qualities, with stories and anecdotal evidence of people overcoming a wide variety of illnesses.” — Medicinepath
Shamanic Energy Medicine
For millennia the indigenous Wisdom Keepers, the medicine men and women of the Americas (in fact, of the world), developed methodologies for healing that were based on upgrading the quality of the luminous energy field (LEF). Also known as a halo or aura, this energy matrix surrounds all living beings and organizes the body the same way that iron filings are organized by a magnet on a piece of glass.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla